Wednesday, December 12, 2007


When the sun sets, the candle turns dark,
I die to hear a faithful dog bark,
Image in the mirror acts like a foe,
From the market of peace I wish I could buy a dove,
But everytime I greet some known,
Amongst crowds I find myself alone,

Truth, bites my ego till end,
When my shadow cries out for a friend!
A hand on the shoulder reacts like a dose,
Someone who feels pain, my garden of love needs a rose,

Like a minute-hand in the clock, requires a second to
go, Soul asks for a pure feeling with heart to glow,
But the power that strengthens each flow of verse,
I imagine myself lying lonely, forever on a hearse,
Fear, sadness are kept aside for vend,
When my life deadly cries out, for a friend!